Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My love,

We planned on celebrating Valentine's Day last night instead of today. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't in our favor and we had to cancel plans to go out. I made dinner instead. Following dinner we camped out on our sofa, watched anime, and ate a few too many frozen thin mints.

I managed to snap this shot of him watching the show without his notice. He's so dreamy.

Thank you for the laughs, the discussions, the episodes of Naruto, Chipotle runs, musical variety, and all of your love. Happy Valentine's Day, babe.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Guatemala Trip Recap: Part I

My recent trip was better than the first.

On Sunday we were able to tour Antigua as our work at the orphanage didn't start until Monday. Antigua is beautiful. We got to see old churches and buildings, the jade factory (with lilac jade - awesome), chocolate museums, and a lot of markets. Everything was so colorful.

A huge highlight of this trip was seeing a volcano erupt during our drive back to the hostel. It was really amazing. Unfortunately, I didn't get my camera out in time to snap a photo.

During this trip, we were given information and watched a video of the work the ministry teams had done in the village outside of the orphanage.

Over the span of a few years, teams were able to go into the village and build multiple homes for widows. The houses were made from cinder blocks, hauled brick by brick down hills and trails where the trucks couldn't make it. They were about the size of your average living room. To the villagers, it was more than they could ask for.

I was really honored that I was able to take pictures of them and their houses.


I'll be posting later with pictures and details of our time within the orphanage. They deserved a post of their own.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fashion Inspiration: Ankle Craze

I want to wear cropped pants, like yesterday. I'm completely envious of the southern states that have warm weather that allows ankles to be seen. I'm kind of going through winter blahs. Freezing temps don't really, as Cher would say, mesh well with bare ankles. (Though I was feeling rebellious yesterday and wore a skirt with no tights)

Here are a few looks I'm anticipating as soon as the temps are on the rise. (all from Pinterest)

[sigh] Is it April yet?